VLC does not support the audio or video format “hevc”. Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.

Just you have chosen a good mоvie to watch, you are seated comfortably in an armchair with pack of popcorn, clicked on your favorite media player VideoLAN and… bang! Error!

VLC does not support the audio or video format “hevc”. Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.

The error message above is not really correct. There is a way to fix it!



10 thoughts on “VLC does not support the audio or video format “hevc”. Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.

  1. Pingback: Install x265 codec on Ubuntu 14.04 - Iliyan Trifonov' Blog

  2. toto

    there is a remaing closing “code” tag in ppa adding line, this could be a problem for some newbies. Thanks for your tip, works really fine :).

    1. Rahul

      sudo apt-add-repository ppa:strukturag/libde265
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-libde265

      this will do

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