Tag Archives: samb

Accessing Samba on Manjaro: failed to retrieve share list from server

A few days ago I got my shiny new StarBook Mk V and installed Manjaro on it for the very first time. I have no prior experience neither with Arch-based distros not rolling releases. Anyway, soon after I installed it I realized that I can’t access my homemade NAS server over Samba. I have a samba network at home with a mix of Linux (Linux Mint, Manjaro) and Windows 10 (don’t judge me) computers. Samba has always worked well to connect to each other. But now, when opening smb:// in Gnome file manager I get this error: Failed to retrieve share list from server: Invalid argument

After quick duckling I found the solution: everything you need to do is to add these two lines in the global section of /etc/samba/smb.conf file on the server

client min protocol = CORE
server min protocol = CORE

and then restart it:

sudo service smbd restart


P.S. The solution is based on the original post on the Manjaro forums here.
