Tag Archives: manjaro

GSConnect doesn’t mount my phone on Manjaro Gnome, this is the solution

Hi there! I am using the Gnome shell extension GSConnect on Manjaro Gnome to share files from my phone to my laptop. There is an option called “Mount” that initially didn’t work on Manjaro but I found a solution and it now works like a charm!

All you need to do is to edit the file /etc/ssh/ssh_config

sudo vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config

and add to the end of the file the following:

Host 192.168.*.*
HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa


Accessing Samba on Manjaro: failed to retrieve share list from server

A few days ago I got my shiny new StarBook Mk V and installed Manjaro on it for the very first time. I have no prior experience neither with Arch-based distros not rolling releases. Anyway, soon after I installed it I realized that I can’t access my homemade NAS server over Samba. I have a samba network at home with a mix of Linux (Linux Mint, Manjaro) and Windows 10 (don’t judge me) computers. Samba has always worked well to connect to each other. But now, when opening smb:// in Gnome file manager I get this error: Failed to retrieve share list from server: Invalid argument

After quick duckling I found the solution: everything you need to do is to add these two lines in the global section of /etc/samba/smb.conf file on the server

client min protocol = CORE
server min protocol = CORE

and then restart it:

sudo service smbd restart


P.S. The solution is based on the original post on the Manjaro forums here.
